
Bir Uttam Shaheed Samad School & College situated in Rangpur Cantonment is continuing deligent effort to build up a generation of skilled, ideal, moral and human values. To face the challenges of 21st century and to create a efficient and educated manpower, this educational institution is playing a unique and active role in this area. By providing ICT based education this institution is ensuring all kinds of modern facilities of education. Besides, providing modern education this institution will be able to develop the mental ability and creative talent of the students. Every student must have dream and they should strive hard to achieve that dream. In addition to study, one must develop their extra-curricular skill which is provided by BUSSSCR. I hope BUSSSCR will be a model for all for its outstanding academic excellence.I wish all the best for all learners.
ময়নুল ইসলাম
সহ-সভাপতি, কলেজ পরিচালনা পর্ষদ
বীর উত্তম শহীদ সামাদ স্কুল এন্ড কলেজ
ক্যান্টনমেন্ট এক্সিকিউটিভ অফিসার
রংপুর সেনানিবাস, রংপুর।